Save Your Life and Your Condo

If you live in a smaller place like a Chattanooga condo, you may be ignoring a very important part of your home. Worse, your home may not even contain this significant piece of technology. It’s small, it seems insignificant, and it can save your life. 

It’s the smoke detector, and paying attention to it can literally mean a difference between life and death. Many people have them, but don’t take care of them. Others don’t have them at all, thinking a Chattanooga condo is small enough they would notice a fire if it started. Here are a few “to-dos” and tips to taking care of your smoke detector:

  • First and foremost, if you don’t have one, get one! For that matter, it’s always best to get a smoke detector for as many rooms in the house as needed. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines to find out how far your particular brand can sense smoke and buy accordingly.

  • Use the “test” button! Every smoke detector comes with a button to test whether it’s working or not. If it doesn’t beep when tested, the batteries should be replaced. If you replace the batteries and it still doesn’t beep, replace the detector.

  • If you’ve had a smoke detector for more than ten years, replace it! Even these handy gadgets run down and lose sensitivity. 

  • Change the batteries bi-annually. For many, it works to remember to change them on the day Daylight Saving Time begins and the day it ends.

  • Keep your detectors clean! Vacuum all the little particles that can clog up the sensors and make the detector inoperative. If you do this once a month, the chances of them failing are much less.

  • Replace smoke detector batteries any time the detector chirps.

  • Always pay attention to the manufacturer’s guide when installing, testing and cleaning.

Although these tips may seem common sense, they’re also easily forgotten. Taking care of the smoke detectors in your condo can literally be the difference between life and death.


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