

Chattanooga Real Estate Travis Close Chattanooga Real Estate Travis Close

Do REALTORS only work in certain areas?

The answer is really agent to agent. I can only answer for myself but we cover an area about one hour across and yes that does include Tennessee and Georgia. When we are working with investors and builders they are usually looking for the best deal with the highest return and sometimes you have to go further out to find that. REALTORS are no different than any other profession. You have agents that specialize in different aspects of Real Estate. Some know waterfront better than others, some only work with horse farms and others spend most of their career working primarily in one zip code.

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The ups and downs of Dirt Cheap Land

Most people that know me know that one of my work passions is to help Builders and Developers acquire dirt for new subdivisions. I enjoy watching what a piece of land can become and how if the development is done right how passionately people can feel about living there. I typically do not work with builders that strip the land of all the trees and ponds. We try to work around what we can and keep as many tres as possible.

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Chattanooga Real Estate Travis Close Chattanooga Real Estate Travis Close

Frank Lloyd Wright Chattanooga

Did you know that there is a Frank Lloyd Wright house in Chattanooga? There is. The Shavin house on Missionary Ridge is the only house in the area designed by the famous architect. At first the Shavin’s were just asking the famous architect for a referral on who he may recommend to design their new home but instead they got the man himself.

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